Thursday, 26 June 2014 - 5:00pm

The Board of Directors of Banco Desio approved the merger by incorporation of the subsidiary “Banco Desio Lazio S.p.A.” into the Parent Company - 26 June 2014

Thursday 26 June 2014

Following the authorisation issued by the Bank of Italy on 22 May 2014 and consequent civil law obligations, the Board of Directors of Banco di Desio e della Brianza S.p.A., pursuant to art. 2505 of the Italian Civil Code and art. 19 of the Articles of Association, approved the Plan for the Merger by incorporation of Banco Desio Lazio S.p.A. (wholly owned company), as well as the relative Directors’ Report, made available to the public on 22 May 2014.
The Board of Directors’ resolution to commence the plan for merger, on 4 April 2014, was made following the binding unanimous approval of the Commission for Related Party Transactions, in compliance with the regulations issued by Consob and the Bank of Italy and the internal procedures in force on the matter.

The plan for the merger, which in any case has its own strategic and organisational value, will be completed in coordination with the development of the project of aggregation with Banca Popolare di Spoleto (“BPS”), which the branches of Banco Desio Lazio will eventually merge with (together with those of Banco Desio located in Tuscany), with BPS hence becoming the Group bank for Central Italy.

The merger deed will be signed as soon as the other civil law obligations have been fulfilled, so that the merger may have legal effect in the coming months. In any case the relevant date will be set in the same deed of merger, with consequent communication to the public.

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Last updated 05/05/2015